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​Please take a look at the range of articles and blogs I have pulled together especially for parents.
I know how challenging being a parent can be at times, and I've had formal training in understanding early childhood development and many years putting into practice what I have learnt! In the articals below I hope to provide some support for parents. I don't for one moment consider myself and 'expert' or believe I have all the answers. However, drawing on my professional training and experience and combine this with the realities of being a parent to provide practical tips and ideas. 
Let me know if there are any areas you would like further information on. You can do this via the contact form at the bottom of the page or by asking a question on our dedicated Cambridge Early Years parents Facbook page.

Get set, Potty, Go!


Not sure when and how to make the move from nappies to the potty? Drawing on my years of experience as a nanny I talk you though my top tips for successful potty training. 

The reluctant toilet pooer


You cracked getting wee into the potty and/or toilet. But your little one simply won’t do a poo there. Drawing on my experience working with toddlers I provide practical support to crack this issue.   

Get Skills Ready for Reception.

Image by Element5 Digital

Understand the skills your child needs to successfully manage the move to reception class, along with practical tips to help them master these skills.

Top Toys, Pre-sitting

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With so many toys on offer, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know what to buy for your child. In these post I talk about the toys that  have the most 'play' value. Spoiler alert - many of them aren't shop brought at all! 

Choosing Childcare

Image by Markus Spiske

Unsure where to start when it comes to looking for and choosing childcare? This article will help to guide you through the process and hopefully answer a few of your questions. 

Top Toys, Once Sitting

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With so many toys on offer, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know what to buy for your child. In these post I talk about the toys that  have the most 'play' value. Spoiler alert - many of them aren't shop brought at all! 

The Best Play Dough in the World – well to my mind anyway!

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Looking for play dough that is pliable, doesn’t dry out and is inexpensive? Look no further!  

More to come

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Check back soon - we are busy writing more top tips! In the meantime follow us on Facebook to hear when a new article is posted. 

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