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All About Early Years provide bespoke advice, support and training for both Early Years and Playwork settings. We tailor our support to meet your needs. We provide support for established settings looking to gain Outstanding Ofsted judgments or turn around their provision following Inadequate or Requires Improvement judgments. We are also able to support and advise new providers looking to open up.
Consultancy is tailored to your needs and can start from as little as one day's support. Some of our most popular packages are:
Full Quality Audit – 2 day package:
We visit your setting for one and a half days, working alongside you and your team to identify strengths and areas of potential improvement within your setting. Working closely with the management team we focus on any key areas. During the visit you and your staff will receive real-time support to develop your practice and enable you to move your setting forward. Regulatory documents such as the Statutory Framework and the Early Years Inspection Handbook are used to explain conclusions that are being made, enabling you to better understand the inspection process.
We spend half a day creating a written report of key findings and recommendations, linked to the Statutory Framework and Early Years Inspection Handbook to enable you to create a robust self-evaluation and development plan for your setting.
Short Quality Audit – 1 and a half day package:
We visit your setting for one day and carry out a range of activities including:
Observing interactions between staff and children
Tracking children
Meeting with management
Conducting joint observations
Reviewing paperwork
At the end of the day we provide you with robust feedback. After our visit you will receive a bullet point document of the findings, as well as supportive suggestions to enable you to move your setting forward.
Support for new/proposed settings
We can help with all aspects of opening up a new setting including, but not limited to:
premises selection and design
staff selection
day to day operations
education programs
We are able to provide full operational manuals, tailored to your needs, ensuring you have all required paperwork, policies and documents to get up and running, whether you are a childminder, single nursery or a multi site chain.
Support for parents
Whether you’re a setting that wants to offer support to parents through seminars, a business that would like to offer support to your working parents, or a parent yourself, All About Early Years can offer tailored seminars.
Please contact us to discuss further about your needs and how to can support your aims.
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